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Urine Removal Tampa FL

This is a quick video showing some components of a urine removal treatment performed by a Chem-Dry carpet cleaning franchise. At Chem-Dry of Tampa FL we go through the same process to remove tough pet odors in carpet and furniture. This video starts with a pet urine inspection using a uv light that uses the correct wave length to find pet urine.  As you can see in the video the urine shows up with a greenish glow, indicating urine is present in the carpet. What the light doesn't show is the presence of urine in the pad underneath the carpet. 

The next step in the urine removal treatment is the application of Chem-Dry's Pet Urine Removal Treatment called P.U.R.T. It's being applied to the carpet with a watering can to make sure the carpet is saturated all the way down to the sub floor.  This makes sure the PURT fully contacts all the urine.  

After the PURT is applied the carpet is cleaned with the Chem-Dry Hot Carbonated Extraction cleaning process to remove emulsified urine and excess PURT.  After 24 hours the carpet will smell fresh and be odor free.

For urine removal in Tampa FL call Chem-Dry of Tampa.