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Pet Odor Removal Services Tampa FL

This video shows the first step in our pet odor removal service, finding the source of the odor. We've all done it. We've walked into a room and thought what in the world is that smell. You look all over but you can't find where it's coming from.  You know what's causing the smell but there are no visible spots. At Chem-Dry of Tampa FL we start our pet odor removal service by doing a pet odor inspection. We walk through with a UV light to see where there are hidden stains in your carpet. As you can see in the video the carpet looks fairly normal until the UV light hits a hidden urine stain and then it stands out clear as daylight. 

Now just because the urine deposit is glowing does not mean that it's the source of the odor in the room. It's the likely culprit, but it's not always 100% accurate. When we're performing our pet odor removal service we have to identify the source with the only thing that confirms the origin of the odor, our noses. It's not a glamorous part of the job, but it is essential in finding where to apply treatments. The UV light inspection is only the first step in removing pet odors from your home. However, locating the source of those odors is the biggest challenge. 

In Tampa FL the majority of carpet cleaning jobs involve pet odor removal whether it's hidden urine deposits or just he general musky dog smell that develops over time. The good news is that we have a proven, reliable, and affordable solution to your pet odor problems.

For Pet odor removal in Tampa FL call Chem-Dry of Tampa.